Grade 10 Completer Ka Ba?

Dito na Tayo sa Senior High with Free Japanese and Korean Language in All Strands :

Enroll at DILTC-Senior High School

"Your Partner in Success: Nourish Your Mind in a Lush, Green Campus Designed for Optimal Learning!"

Unlock Your Linguistic Potential: Learn Japanese and Korean Language for Free at DILTC Senior High!

  1. No Tuition Fee and

    Miscellaneous Fee: For Qualified Grade 10 Completer from Public Schools. Gov't Scholars from Private Schools Grade 10 completer may also avail around 80% Discount on Tuition Fees and Miscellaneous Fees.

  2. With Free Japanese and Korean Language Elective Subject in All Strands: You may learn Japanese and Korean Language and Culture while studying Senior High School

  3. Pay-Later-Program for Japan Study. Priority to avail the Pay-Later-Program.

  4. Be One of Our 500+ Graduates that are Now in Japan. Since 2015 we have more than 500 students that are now in Japan. Some of them are still studying but most of them are now working Full-Time.

  5. Big Campus Conducive for Learning:
    The spacious campus provides an ideal environment for learning, with ample space for various activities, classrooms, and facilities. The abundance of trees adds to the conducive atmosphere, promoting relaxation and focus, which can enhance students' academic performance and well-being.

  6. Minimal Study Distractions: Being located far from busy urban areas, the school offers a serene and tranquil environment that minimizes distractions, allowing students to concentrate fully on their studies. This isolation from external disturbances can lead to improved academic outcomes and greater student productivity.

  7. Academic Tracks Available : HUMSS,ABM,GAS / TVL Tracks Available: Caregiving NC 2 / Bread and Pastry NC 2, Food and Beverages NC 2, and Cookery NC 2 / SMAW NC 1 and NC 2